Chakra Kinesiology:
Chakras and Nervous Plexuses

kinésiologie des chakras illustration vectorielle d'une personne méditante avec les 7 chakras sur fond de lotus

What is a Chakra?

Our energy centres, called ‘chakras”, ‘wheels” or ”vortex” are the centrepieces of our energetic, biochemical, nervous, physiological, physical, emotional, psychic and spiritual balance.

All interactions and vibratory variations inevitably pass through them.

Their role is so important that a malfunction or an imbalance causes a disturbance in the whole body homeostasis, at all levels of the person. It is considered that a significant imbalance of a chakra somatises (becomes embodied in the body) in the form of a symptom in less than 48 hours.

The Objectives of Chakra Kinesiology

Essentially focused on the energy centres of the body, this approach makes it possible to identify and translate the symbolism and balance any imbalances identified. Correct functioning of these energy centres is essential if we wish to evolve towards the fulfilment of our soul on earth, optimise our health, clarify our mind and appease our emotions, find harmony and access lasting joy.